How can you resist a 97% off sale?

Everyone loves a sale – 50%, 75%, and sometime even 90% off!  It’s not easy to find something reduced to 97% off.  Well, we have found one and want you to be able to participate. The best part of the deal is that it is medications for the sick patients

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Keverly is back for a 3 week visit!

My how my kids have changed!  We are super, super excited to have Keverly (RHFH first teacher Jan – July 2009) back in Haiti with us for a short time.  I could just cry….remembering her time with us.  So…many…good…memories.  She is sharing some of her fun times here on her blog so you

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Infant formula update

My goal was to raise enough funds for the infant formula for 3 months.   That comes out to about $2325 to supplies the babies for 1 months worth of formula.  To have the goal reached it would be $2325 X 3=$6975.  So far we have pledged $2386 and received $2805 for a

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Infant formula

Many years ago when my mom was still with us she had a deep desire to help the sick and hurting.  She taught us from a young age to try and meet the needs of others.  You see a need and you do your best to fill it.  When she

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Update on funds for the ICU nannies

We are happy to let you know that the need for the ICU nannies salaries for 6 more month has been met!!!!  They are excited that they can continue to help so many of our sick kids.  I love these ladies and they work hard to provide the best care they can for

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An Update From the Garrett Family

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been three weeks since the Garrett family arrived here at RHFH.  Click here to read an update from them on how they are settling in and adjusting to their new life in Haiti. We are currently working on putting together a RHFH newsletter.  We know

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