Food box update

We so appreciate those that have donated so far.  We are halfway there so we still need $1650.  Please let me know if you are interested or have questions. (see post below for more details on the food box program)

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Food Box need for April and May

by:Licia I wanted you to see some of the families that receive food boxes every two weeks from RHFH.  These are families from the local village. Many families have several generations living together. There are many elderly that live by themselves and have no family to help them. We so

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Claudette needs your help

Claudette has been with us for several months now.  She was severely burned in late December when her clothes caught on fire.  She is healing and living in the tent with the other intensive care kids.   She has been having a hard time this past week.  Most of it is

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Funds for intensive care kids

by: Licia We have a tent in the front yard of the clinic. It is currently set up for our intensive care kids from the RC.  I love the tent.  I love the kids in the tent.  The RC is now located a few houses away from the clinic.  I

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Some friends in need

by:Licia I have some good friends of mine here in Haiti.  They do a great work and help many children just like us.  The take in malnourished children and care for them.  They also take in little premature babies.  We have sent several of our babies to them in the past few

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