Bible Classes

Please join us in praying for these precious children participating in our Bible classes. We are meeting twice a week learning Gods truths from The Greatest Journey – a 12 session Discipleship study. Please pray that they will grasp Christ’s love and follow Him ! Pray also for exciting opportunities

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Throw Back Thursday~Monise

This is Monise.  She was in our inpatient care facility in 2008/2009 for 5 months.  She was severely malnourished and had damage to her left eye due to Vitamin A deficiency. When she was admitted she weighed 20 pounds.  When she returned home she was 26 pounds (see photo below).

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Bible Study Update

There were 3 Bible study classes that graduated this week.  They were all 6 weeks long.  One class was “Good News About Jesus” and there were 2 classes on “God Loves You So Much.” Here is some feedback from those that participated: This is what I think about the group.

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Bible Study

Two groups have completed a study on Pilgrim’s Progress over the past 8 weeks.  There were a total of 21 students that finished the study.  Here are a few things that the students had to say about the classes…… I’m happy to write today about the lesson book “Cares of

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