Medika Mamba Update

It’s time to give you another encouraging Medika Mamba report.  We last updated you here at the end of June.  Since then, we have had 7 children graduate from the program.  Currently, we have 12 children enrolled.  Our total number of children that have been admitted into the Medika Mamba Program is now up to 351. So

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Update on the sisters

You can read past post about the sister here, here and here.  These 6 special girl were blessed this past month to receive gifts from a family that has been praying from them from a distance state side.  The girls were so excited to get gifts from this family.  It

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Update on Jn Iler and Paul

Jn Iler has been at RHFH almost a month now, and he is finally making solid progress in his recovery.  It took quite a while for his swelling (from water retention) to go down.  He had an appetite from the day he arrived, but was unable to eat enough calories

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New children in the RC

 The goal was met for the need for infant formula for the babies in the Rescue Center.  To God be all the Glory! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  MARIE CARMENE An aunt brought her down to the clinic.  Her age unknown but I think she is just maybe a week old.  She weighs 4

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A Big Thanks!

Last week we were blessed with lots of extra helping hands here at RHFH.  A team from Mountains to Mountains in Ronceverte, West Virginia, came for the week to help see patients in the clinic, provide some training and education, do physical therapy with the kids, and take care of several odd

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Keverly is back for a 3 week visit!

My how my kids have changed!  We are super, super excited to have Keverly (RHFH first teacher Jan – July 2009) back in Haiti with us for a short time.  I could just cry….remembering her time with us.  So…many…good…memories.  She is sharing some of her fun times here on her blog so you

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