RHFH employees #3 and #4

This is a husband and wife that both work for RHFH. Rilcane is the only lady left of the original people hired when we started the RC.  They are both great employees.  They have been together since they were teenagers and seem to have a really good relationship with each

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cholera charts

from Lori: The numbers are high, but things seem under control.  There are not enough beds and some have slept in chairs or on the ground for a night or two.  Despite the crowded, noisy, and busy environment, there is a peace, joy and hope like none other.  Our staff

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Wow! To God be all the Glory!

We want to thank the 47 people,one organization and one church that donated $15,370 for the cholera need.   We are so thankful to everyone that is praying, giving and caring.  We love you all so much.  It is a joy to share with our staff  how there are so many that care

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3 became 5 and 5 became 6

3 boys and 3 girls=6 little cutie pies that still need your prayers. Eriline came in late yesterday afternoon. Her mom has been following in the clinic and her weight has went down a lot since birth.  We are going to watch her and see how she does for a

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A few lessons from Claudette

Smiles heal. When it’s time, ya gotta kick that walker to the curb! …unless you can use it as a jungle gym. Running is fun… …..and so dancing and kicking. And, most importantly, sisters rock!

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