All of You is more than enough for all of me For every thirst and every need You satisfy me with Your love And all I have in You is more than enough You are my supply My breath of life And still more awesome than I know You
All of You is more than enough for all of me For every thirst and every need You satisfy me with Your love And all I have in You is more than enough You are my supply My breath of life And still more awesome than I know You
$640 was given for the need for backpack by three blog readers! Thank you so much! I will be ordering them this coming week! Claudette is doing well. Her stomach and legs are healing, she is walking with a walker, smiling more, and…..her stomach is looking so good that
We have team coming in the first of June. I am wanting to get ahead on the school sponsorship stuff and have them carry in backpack since we will not be shipping a container this spring. We have 130 kids on the program. Here are a few link to some
by Licia: I love this gal below. She has been a huge source of help and encouragement to us at RHFH. She first met papa Zach in MN while packing a semi trailer to come to Haiti. Since then she has visited us here at RHFH several times. Each time
I think I might have found a teacher. Amazing and God! I am working on a final post for our trip to the USA, will get it done when I have time 🙂 I am looking for someone that might have some contacts here in Haiti for food. We could