ICU Photo Update
Photo updates of the kids in the ICU The following children are RHFH’s newest admits and will stay in the quarantine for two weeks from when they were first admitted and then will move to the ICU
Annual Missions Commitment
For many of us, the beginning of a new year is marked with new resolutions, lofty goals, and big dreams for the coming year. As you plan to read more books, get more sleep, or be more active this year, we want to encourage you to consider what kind of
The well is dry, but our dreams are not…
I am sorry and saddened to say that the efforts to drill a well yesterday did not result in finding water. This was not for a lack or prayer or a lack of belief or a lack of effort. We are grateful for so many people from so many places
Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.
That is the last verse of Romans 12. The chapter begins with the warning not to be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Too often the world seems overcome with evil, and the worldly response is to repay evil for evil. But
How Poverty Affects the Way People Think, Feel & Act (and more)
How poverty affects the way people think, feel and act. A new clinic design in Haiti might signal a shift for the future. Some talented artists emerging in Haiti, producing beautiful art. {video ~5 mins} Haiti’s political crisis contiunes despite accord. Cheap, all terrain wheelchair for people living in rural,