Cholera resources

This post is for those working in Haiti and needing info on cholera prevention and care after Hurricane Matthew.  Please forgive me if I do not give credit to the correct organization for each of these documents.  I’m just trying to get this info out fast and feel like I can add that in later if needed.  We didn’t come up with these documents. We’ve just collected them from over the years of treating cholera.  Also, our internet is going too slow here for me to look up all the websites on these right now.  Write me if you have more questions or other info to add.

Education – General Public

http://en.hesperian.org/hhg/Healthwiki  –   (updated)  Link to Healthwik from Hesperian. WONDERFUL resource!

poster_mspp_1_prevention_vfinal-2nov10 – Great prevention poster in Kreyol from MSPP.

poster_mspp_2_si-on-est-malade_vfinal-2nov10 – Great treatment poster in Kreyol from MSPP.

prevention-kolera – General prevention poster, no pictures.

cdc_23128_ds1 – Good talking points for group education.

kolera-teaching-plan – Talking points for group education.

kolera-poster-with-lots-of-photos – Can be used for teaching or posters.  These are my favorite.

cholera-haitian-creole-flashcards – These are flashcards from the film “The Story of Cholera” by Global Health Media Project.  Go to their site and download the film on phone.  Great education tool.

education-msh-french – in French.

http://www.sodis.ch/methode/anwendung/index_EN & http://www.cdc.gov/safewater/solardisinfection.html – There are tons of ways to treat water.  Everyone and every location does it differently.  Don’t forget SODIS as a cheap method (not perfect, but good in a pinch).  If cloudy water, filter through a towel.  Put in a clear plastic bottle (coke, water, not sprite or colored bottles). Put it on some tin in the sun for at least 6 hrs and it’s ready to drink.

after-leaving-the-hospital – Patient education after having cholera.


Education – Health Care Workers

pih-zl-participants-booklet – Partners in Health (Zanmi Lasante) education for health workers.  Great stuff here!

pih-zl-moderators-manual – Partners in Health (Zanmi Lasante) education for health workers.

pih-zl-flip-book – Partners in Health (Zanmi Lasante) education for health workers.

cdc-chw_trainingmaterialsforcholera_v2 – Training materials in English.

chw_trainingmaterialsforcholera_creole_v2 – Same as above in Kreyol.  We like this one.

manuel-des-brigadiers-pdf-1 – in French

cholera-manual – from WHO

haiticholera_trainingmanual_en – Another in English (MSPP).  There is probably a more recent one.

manual – Same as above in French (MSPP).


Caring for Cholera

chlorox-chart-kreyol – Explains how to mix the 3 different chlorine/bleach/HTH mixes and when to use them, in Kreyol.

agent-dassainissement-cs – in French, bleach solutions, treatment of contaminated fluids

cdc-formation – in French, treatment, quick points.

cholera-treatment-facility-supply-guide-sheet – general guide for materials though we don’t find this always true

first_steps – in English, first steps in treating outbreaks

first_steps_fr – same as above in French

fiche-traitement-definitive – intake register in French, MSPP

cholera-chart-mspp – patient chart, MSPP

cholera-daily-intake-chart-front – ours in Kreyol

cholera-daily-intake-chart-back – ours in Kreyol

cholera-chart-rhfh – our patient chart in Kreyol

form-to-fill-out-for-each-cholera-specimen-fiche-dinvestig-for-labo-ntl – in French, take this and stool specimen to Labo Ntl on Delmas 33 for confirmation, free

test-request-labo-nationale – in French, take this and stool specimen to Labo Ntl on Delmas 33 for confirmation, free


  1. Jasmine eugenio says

    Thank you for your compilation. I am a pediatrician from Los Angeles. I have led several missions ( we are also faith based group from Glory Christian Fellowship International)to Haiti ever since the earthquake( we served the town of Caries) and after the hurricane we surveyed Plaisance du Sud, where cholera is prevalent. Out team is going back in February, and we are so thankful that we can use your brochures and handouts to teach cholera prevention and treatment. God bless you all!!!

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