Journey to Recovery – Elie (diabetic care and eye surgery)

We’d like to share a story of remarkable faith, hope, and generosity made possible by your support and compassion. Elie is a 25-year-old man whose life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with diabetes. Around the same time, Elie lost his sight at the young age of 22.

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Villagers View-Kaliblan

In the heart of Cazale lies a vibrant and close-knit community known as Kaliblan. A place where leadership is communal, and the spirit of togetherness is a part of every aspect of life. Here, everyone is family, and together, they craft solutions to their challenges, embodying the true essence of

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Miracles- multiple given, more needed

Chednaline is a 4 year old girl admitted to our malnutrition center last month. She was malnourished and had edema, presumably secondary to kwashiorkor. She also had a fever and cough and her oxygen saturation was low. She was started on oxygen and antibiotics for pneumonia in addition to treatment

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Words from Zach

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be featuring Zach in our monthly blog posts going forward. To keep things interesting, we’ll alternate between sharing Zach’s letters and sermons and Gretchen’s letters and writings. Enjoy! Accountability Matthew 12: 36 and 37 NKJ 36 But I say to you that for every idle

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