RHFH employee #5

Meet Sonite… How long have you been working at RHFH? I have been working for RHFH on and off since 1993. How old are you? 35 years old How many siblings do you have? I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters What/Where do you work? I do lots of things. 

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Serette Update by Dokte Jen

You can read past updates on Serette here and here. Serette is staying here in the clinic so she can receive medications throughout the day and so that we can monitor her closely. Her mom is staying with her, and she has other family members who visit frequently. She and

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Many blessing from a day team

We had a day team come visit last week.  There were 19 people on the team!  That is a big group to keep busy in our little yard.  They were all part of a team from Acts 2 help Others. Formula One Life brought us lots of formula, baby bottles,

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We wanted to remind everyone that there is a semi container leaving for Haiti from Indiana this month.  If you have last minute items contact Zach at 317-517-2792 for more details.  Items are still arriving from MN as well.  We have updated the Walmart wish list with a few more items. 

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New admits to the RC

DAWENS Dawens came to the clinic because he was sick.  On the way here he got worse and was having lots of diar and vomiting.  He tested positive for cholera but was also needing IV antibiotic meds due to other illnesses that he had. He stayed with us here in

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Constuction needs

Exciting things are happening with the upcoming cholera hospital.  We have a couple of items needed for upcoming constuction.  If you can help please let us know. We are in need of a Honda cement finishing trowel (46 in diameter) to help with upcoming construction. It helps make the floors

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