Vanessa’s home

Thank you so much for the donations given towards housing for Vanessa and her children.  They have a safe, clean place to live for the next year.  The green stencil on the wall means that the house has been inspected after the earthquake and it can be lived in.  She

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The babies

More clothes and diapers for the little ones in the tent. Erline is doing well and gaining weight.  Look how happy she is with her new outfit! The twins This little guy has been with us for a week now.  He is very sick and on oxygen.  We are so

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New kids in the RC from the past few weeks

FENDER Fender’s dad left the mama when Fedner was a baby.  Fedner’s mama wanted to find work so she could support herself and her kids.  She left her mountain village and went into Port-au-Prince.  She found a job working at someones house.  It did not pay much, but it was something.  She

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RHFH employees #3 and #4

This is a husband and wife that both work for RHFH. Rilcane is the only lady left of the original people hired when we started the RC.  They are both great employees.  They have been together since they were teenagers and seem to have a really good relationship with each

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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!!

THANK YOU Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)!!  Since the beginning of the cholera epidemic, they have provided so many supplies.  Starting early Thursday morning, dad started hauling items in.  Three large loads of IV fluids, buckets, bleach, soap, ORS, hand sanitizer, and more. We all 3 squeezed in the front seat and

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