Staff Spotlight~Chantale

I have been working at the clinic since 2006. My work before was to clean the clinic, but I am getting older so now I count fill and fill up bags with medications for the patients in the clinic. I never met my father he died before I was born

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Throw back Thursday-CTC construction

In Nov of 2010 Cholera made it to our village of Cazale. We started out in a tent in the clinic yard and then moved to a donated house in the community. In Dec 2012 we began construction on what we called the cholera treatment center. Overall, we treated 13,637

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Villagers View~Makafe

From a member of the village in his words: We are people that work the earth for a income. We have gardens and we sell the produce to live on for several months. In our area, we grow beans, grains, corn, roots, lima beans, bananas, plantains, and sweet potatoes. All

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