Staff Spotlight~Merline

My name is Merline and I have been working at RHFH since 2012. I work in the ICU/Rescue Center with the malnourished children. This is what I do each day. I work 4 days a week and work 12 hour shifts. I switch back and forth between night shift and

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Throwback Thursday~Patelma

Patelma was a man that lived in Cazale many years ago. He did not have any family around and was on his own. He often drank alcohol (the homemade stuff) to the point he would pass out. There were several times during our friendship I believe God had our paths

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The Love of a Parent

Bernoucheka. She is an 18 month old girl who was admitted with severe edema involving her whole body, which is likely secondary to kwashiorkor. She lives with both of her parents in a rural mountain village. Her mother is pregnant with her second child and due to give birth any

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