Jeremiah 17:7-8

“But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,    the woman who sticks with God.They’re like trees replanted in Eden,    putting down roots near the rivers—Never a worry through the hottest of summers,    never dropping a leaf,Serene and calm through droughts,    bearing fresh fruit every season.

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New Admits

Eddy is a 27 month old male who presents with edema. History is presented by the patient’s aunt who is not his primary caretaker. The patient has been living with his maternal grandmother since his mother died 5 months ago. His grandmother called his aunt to bring him to the

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Clinic Review – April 2022

total patients – 1805adults – 1055prenatal – 1980-14 yrs – 750births – 25 anemia – 37asthma – 4seizure – 23diabetic – 59hypertension – 210diarrhea – 68heartburn – 123UTI – 20fungal infection – 80ear infection – 21cold and cough – 516vaginal infection – 89STDs – 24 kwashiorkor – 4% of children

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