New kids in the RC

Wow~it has been several days since the last post.  Believe me we have not been sitting around in the Caribbean sun taking a break 🙂  We have had lots of sick kids and adults with us.  It takes several hours out of our day just to give meds and make

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Fun in the Sun :)

We took off last week for a 30 hour break.  It was great and we had a really good time together as a family.  It was relaxing and fun 🙂 The kids with Enoch The kids with me pool fun The rock star yes Trey is wearing Ameyah’s pink floaties

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Guest Blogger-Graham Sowa

Graham Sowa is a good friend of Real Hope for Haiti.  He is currently in medical school in Cuba and wrote the below paper.  We will be sharing it in several different post.  It is a good read to help understand the effects of what kwashiorkor and malnutrtion does to the body.

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Missionary Buns

We’re pretty stylish out here in Cazale and we like to spend lots and lots of time making our buns look just right. It really is not an easy task to make the perfect missionary bun day after day, but somehow we each accomplish this in our own unique and

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Guest blogger

by: Hannah Rogers The Lord blessed me with the opportunity to spend a month volunteering at Real Hope this summer. Never before has He blessed me so richly. Words aren’t sufficient to describe my experiences, yet I know that I am changed. After my parents returned from a short term

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The Betor family..

Well Carmelo made it back to Haiti this past week.  We were finally able to make it to church Sunday after not being able to go for over a month.  When we have so many sick kids and adults someone has to stay home to give meds and watch over

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