Highlights from Haiti: 12 Sept 2014

For those planning on long term residence in Haiti, it will be necessary to obtain a Permis de Sejour. Here is some information from the US Embassy on the pertinent requirements and fees.  Although these numbers are 1 year old, these statistics on cholera from the Ministry of Public Health

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Thank you!

One way to prevent cholera and other diseases is to promote good hygiene practices.  Many are willing, but do not have access to sanitation services.  It is common for some to have to use the gardens because they don’t have a latrine or outhouse.  The community group, GVADK, has built

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CTC construction update

You can see past updates about the building of the CTC here and here Here is Zach looking out over the site. at the beginning ….. foundations being build….. ready to do the columns and start putting the block up… the walls are starting to go up……. This is how it looks

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The grass is greener…

…on the mountainside.  With lots of rain lately, the vetiver and trees are growing quickly.  Click here to see how it looked when we started planting a month ago.  This is what it looked like today. There are approx 750 meters (2460 feet or 0.47 miles) of vetiver planted so

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Planting vetiver helps with erosion control

Charles and several others are planting vetiver to protect the mountain side surrounding the area where the new CTC (cholera treatment center) will be located.  Several guys have been building rock walls in the really bad spots over the last few months. They have finished in one area, so Charles

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