Kreyol song – Pwomès Sa Yo Byen Dous

03 Melodies Joyeuses | 03 MJ / Page 22311 Haiti Chante avec la Radio limyère   RL / Page 251 1.Pwomès sa yo byen dous,Pawòl la bon,Li pi presie paseNenpòt ki lòt mesaj;Kris te gen panse pwop,Li san peche,Li se pi gran egzanp ki te ka egziste. Kè:Lè l kondwi m

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Kreyol Verse: Ròm ch8 v31

Ròm ch8 v31 Kisa n’a di ankò sou pwen sa a? Si Bondye pou nou, kilès ki ka kont nou? Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

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Micah 7:7

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

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Kreyol song: “Yon Vi Pou Jezi Bay Lapè”

32 Melodies Joyeuses | 32 MJC / Page 2304 La voix du reveil – VRC / Page 299 1Yon vi pou Jezi bay lapèKou yon rivyè ki pa rete;Difikilte yo konn viniMen Jezi la, e sa sifi. KèEde m sèvi Ou plis chak jou,Pou m rete toujou avèk Ou;M renmen

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