Bible Study update

Chaplains Maturin, Sylio, and Espeson are each currently holding a weekly Bible Study class. They all started in January and have been going strong for several weeks now. Mathurin is teaching out of a book called “The Good News Concerning Jesus” that has 16 people in the class that range

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Kreyol Song: 54 Chant d’Espérance

Leve, nanm mwen, ak solèy la,Kòmanse tach ou jodi a.Premye bagay ou gen pou w fèSe louwe Bondye ak tout kè. Piga ou gaspiye tan ou!Viv jodi a kou dènye jou;Anplwaye talan ou yo byen,Nou tout va jije a la fin. Tout pawòl ou yo dwe sensè,Konsyans ou dwe toujou

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Patient of the month: Jonet

My name is Jonet and I’m 37 years old. I love God and do my best to follow Him. I want to tell you my story. I’m 37 years old and was born in a small village named Lalane, not far from Cazale. I went to school until the 3rd

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