Kreyol verse – John 14:6

Jan ch14 v6Jezi reponn li: Se mwen menm ki chemen an. Se mwen menm ki verite a, se mwen menm ki lavi a. Pesonn pa ka al jwenn Papa a si li pa pase nan mwen. John 14:6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to

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Kreyol Verse: Jeremi 29:11

Jeremi 29:11 Se mwen ki konnen sa m’ gen nan tèt mwen pou nou. Se mwen menm Seyè a k’ap pale. Se byen nou mwen ta vle wè, pa malè nou. Mwen ta vle denmen nou jwenn sa n’ap tann lan. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I

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