Put God first

“Bloom where you are planted” is a sort of cliché, but it is all the way true. In His Sovereignty, God has placed us in families and jobs and ministries for a reason. He has given us work to do, so let us do our work whether at home or

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Health and Wholeness is Hard Work

 Can you imagine a technology company that is innovative in creating new technologies, but inefficient and ineffective in implementing existing technology into their eco system and processes? Major disconnect. We might not be buzzing in the newest start up, but we are all apart of structures that are meant to

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A Note of Gratitude

I want to take this opportunity to say how thankful all of us at Real Hope for Haiti are for your continued support. We know you love God, love the Haitian people, and love to help as God enables you. Your generosity is appreciated and received a reminder of its

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