Special need for Sormise

Since we first came to Cazale in 1998, Sormise has been coming to our clinic.  She was a good friend to my mom.  She always took the time to pray for  us when she passed through the clinic.  She loved us and we loved her.  Several years ago when we

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Update on cholera

Tired of cholera yet?  Yes, me too!  But that is what is happening now.  So that is what I feel like sharing today.  There are currently 4 children from the RC at the cholera house.  All have confirmed cholera.  All are under a year old.  They are doing fair and

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I love those step out in faith and are not afraid to do some “water walking”.  update on Dr. Jen’s post UPDATE (Friday afternoon): Please see Licia’s post from today here. I am going out on a limb and will be purchasing another ~$2500 worth of medications to be sent

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3 became 5 and 5 became 6

3 boys and 3 girls=6 little cutie pies that still need your prayers. Eriline came in late yesterday afternoon. Her mom has been following in the clinic and her weight has went down a lot since birth.  We are going to watch her and see how she does for a

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Mamenda and the babies….

Thank you to everyone that prayed for Mamenda!  She is still alive.  She has not smiled since she got burned several weeks ago.  Lets begin to pray she smiles soon and has some joy in her little heart.  New hair things and dress from a friend visiting GLA. She liked both

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