Worship Wednesday: Additional Comments Concerning Isaiah 58

By: Casey Zachary Isaiah 58 It is interesting to note that in a discussion of appropriate fasting, YHWH frames it in terms of doing justice and serving the poor as the remedy to false fasting. Despite these two behaviors being closely tied to the core of who YHWH is, it

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Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High…in Kreyol

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/c6nxb5] Lord, I lift your name on high Lord I love to sing your praises I’m so glad You’re in my life I’m so glad You came to save us You came from heaven to earth to show the way From the earth to the cross my debt to pay

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Missions Monday: Helen Roseveare (1925-present)

Helen Roseveare was an English missionary to Congo/ Zaire. This lady* was hardcore. Helen was a well educated girl. Throughout her life, she has challenged preconceived notions throughout her life. She went against the grain and trained to become a doctor at Cambridge, which was not typical of a women.

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Worship Wednesday: Reflections on Isaiah 58

By: Casey Zachary Isaiah 58 Real Hope for Haiti’s foundational verse for live and ministry is Isaiah 58:7. In order to take a deeper look at this verse, I thought it would be helpful to consider the larger context in which it is found, Isaiah chapter 58. As I studied

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Matthew 5:1-11: The Beatitudes…in Kreyol

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/LfJnmy] Matthew 5:1-11 in English Matye 5 1¶ Lè Jezi wè foul moun yo, li moute sou yon mòn. Li chita. Disip li yo pwoche bò kote l’. 2Li tanmen moutre moun yo anpil bagay. Li di yo: 3¶ Benediksyon pou moun ki konnen se pòv yo ye devan Bondye,

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