Worship Wednesday: Reflections on Psalm 23

By: Casey Zachary Listen to Psalm 23 read in Kreyol One commentator describes Psalm 23 as having “charmed more grief than all the philosophies in the world.” Certainly, this particular psalm has become so beloved and cherished because so many have encountered it during challenging times in their lives. People

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1 Corinthians 13:1-8 in Kreyol

By: Casey Zachary 1 Corinthians 13:1-8a from the Haitian Bible [chirbit:http://chirb.it/kfNxHn] 1 Korint 13 1¶ Menm si mwen ta konn pale tout kalite lang moun pale ansanm ak lang zanj yo pale, si m’ pa gen renmen nan kè m’, bèl pawòl mwen yo pa pi plis pase yon tanbou

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Use me Lord for Your Glory!

by: Licia I want to tell you a story today about two special ladies in my life.  They met here in Haiti.  There names are Mary and Daphna.  This is their story from my view.  *********************************************************************************************  Mary came to RHFH in September. She came to be the new teacher for the Betor

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Missions Monday: Amy Carmichael

By: Casey Zachary Amy Carmichael was born in Ireland and lived from 1867-1951. After converting to Christianity in her teens, she briefly served as a missionary in Japan before settling  in South India. She traveled to India in 1885 and never returned home again, spending the remainder of her life

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Show me your ways, Lord

Psalm 25:4-6 4 Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. 5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. 6 Remember, LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old

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I am Yours Lord

By: Licia I am Yours Lord, You have wonderfully made and equipped me.  I was created to walk in faith, so I will always trust You.  I am a product of Your love, so I will love even under the most trying Circumstances. I will endure because Jesus lives in

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