
Post about Chidley #1  Post about Chidley #2  Chidley died after an extended illness.  He was sick for many weeks with his mother before she brought him to RHFH.  His mother came to visit him often.  She bathed him, feed him and loved him.  Her first son.  She will never

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All of You is more than enough for all of me For every thirst and every need You satisfy me with Your love And all I have in You is more than enough     You are my supply My breath of life And still more awesome than I know You

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Monday tidbits…

$640 was given for the need for backpack by three blog readers!  Thank you so much!  I will be ordering them this coming week!    Claudette is doing well.  Her stomach and legs are healing, she is walking with a walker, smiling more, and…..her stomach is looking so good that

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Jess….Jess….Jess…we need you!

by Licia: I love this gal below.  She has been a huge source of help and encouragement to us at RHFH.  She first met papa Zach in MN while packing a semi trailer to come to Haiti.  Since then she has visited us here at RHFH several times.  Each time

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I think I might have found a teacher.  Amazing and God! I am working on a final post for our trip to the USA, will get it done when I have time 🙂 I am looking for someone that might have some contacts here in Haiti for food.  We could

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3 ti gason- 3 little boys

These three cuties are all with us in the RHFH tent.  All their mom’s died in child birth.  They all have father’s that want them.  RHFH provides a different choice for these three families.  Three dad’s that do not want to put their sons up for adoption, but cannot care

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