New admits to the RC
DAWENS Dawens came to the clinic because he was sick. On the way here he got worse and was having lots of diar and vomiting. He tested positive for cholera but was also needing IV antibiotic meds due to other illnesses that he had. He stayed with us here in
Constuction needs
Exciting things are happening with the upcoming cholera hospital. We have a couple of items needed for upcoming constuction. If you can help please let us know. We are in need of a Honda cement finishing trowel (46 in diameter) to help with upcoming construction. It helps make the floors
Quick birth
This lovely lady went into labor one evening. She labored all night and decided early that morning she needed to come to the clinic. She lived to far away to walk so she got on a moto to come. On the way here her water broke. She made it just
Update on the babies in the tent
Previous post about the babies in the tent here, here, here , here In May/June of 2011 we had 6 new babies in the tent. They were all small little ones and 5 of their mothers had died in child birth. The two boys on the right hand side have
Expecting great things…
The cholera house numbers have been down for several weeks now. We are excited and thankful for that. We know at any time the number can jump back up and we are preparing for that by stocking up on supplies and continuing our plans for the new cholera hospital. In