Clinic Review – October 2019

Total amount of patients seen – 1991Average seen per day – 105 Number of emergencies – 26Patients sutured – 13Dressing changes done – 546 Number of patients tested for HIV (we were low on tests all month) – 70Number that tested positive – 6 Anemia – 102Asthma – 6Burns –

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Clinic Review: September 2019

Total patients seen – 1681>1 year old – 2131-4 yrs – 3085-9 yrs – 13210-14 yrs – 5515-19 yrs – 6820-24 yrs – 8625+ and up – 518prenatal – 250birth control – 51 accidents – 28patients sutured – 14dressings done – 472 lab tests completed – 565HIV positive – 2syphilis

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Clinic Review – June 2019

total consultations – 1749adults – 1125kids 0-14 yrs old – 624Prenatal visits – 232Newborns – 18 anemia – 84scabies – 77worms – 32ear infections – 22eye infections – 27fungal infections – 101urinary infections – 18diarrhea – 77STDs – 41new TB cases – 2new HIV cases – 5 emergencies – 17burns

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Cholera Update – April 2019

Towards the end of 2010, cholera hit Haiti hard.  Most assume that Nepal UN workers bought it in to Haiti.  Once the river by their base was contaminated with sewage, the bacteria quickly spread throughout the whole country. According to PAH/WHO, Haiti recorded 814,551 suspected cases of cholera with 9,693

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Clinic Review – March 2019

Total consults – 1570<1 yr old – 2111-4 yrs – 2445-9 yrs – 3010-14 yrs – 13415-14 yrs – 5710-24 yrs – 107>25 yrs – 537 Pregnant ladies – 203~1st visit – 81~2nd visit – 53~3rd visit – 28~4th visit – 16~5+ visits – 25Birth Control – 47Newborns – 25

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Clinic Overview – January 2019

Total consults – 1546Ages 0-14 yr old – 631Pregnant women – 177 -1st trimester – 13-2nd trimester – 70-3rd trimester – 94Newborns – 50Total kids in outpatient mamba program – 46Graduated from outpatient mamba program – 5Dressing changes – 485Accidents on the road – 12Accidents at home – 7Accidents at

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