Double Harvest surgical teams ROCK!

Luciana has had a goiter for longer than she can remember.  She is 45 year old and has had seven children.  She has been several places to see if her goiter could be removed, but has never been able to find anyone to do the surgery until now.  Double Harvest

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Update on Jn Edward & Rose-Marie

You can read past post about Jn Edward here, here and here .  This kid is amazing.  I love him so much!  He is doing wonderful!  He is still gaining weight and getting stronger.  To God be all the Glory!            lowest weight 37 pounds                                             current weight  47 pounds You can read

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After a long struggle to live, Miriana went to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon.  We have a deep sorrow in our hearts that this sweet, precious little girl did not make it and survive.  But we have hope knowing that one day we will see her again.  I see her

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Canadian friends, can you help?

We have some birth layettes that were made with loving hands in Canada and we are trying to find a way for them to get here to moms & babies that could really use them. If you are from Canada, are coming to Haiti in the coming months, and would

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Updates on patients

Djouly died yesterday evening.  He had been hanging on for several days.  He was in a lot of pain most of the day yesterday.  He took his evening meds and ate dinner died shortly after. Miriana is not doing well.  She wants to live so badly.  Her diar is clearing

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Help for Rose-Marie and her family

I wrote a post about the twins here  last week.  We kept the twins in the RC and the mama  (Rose-Marie) and grandma were staying with someone here in the village.  We sent mama to get a TB test as she was coughing a lot with some blood.  She had appointments each day

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