THANK YOU for the infant formula!

We wanted to thank Answered Prayers for helping us to receive a recent donation of infant formula.  It was shipping to Debbie in MN and she has been working hard each week to get these packs of formula in suitcases coming down with teams from Healing Haiti.  There were so

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Thank you for the wonderful chicken Love-A-Child!

We are so happy to be able to network with a variety of organizations within Haiti.  None of us can do it all.  There isn’t enough hands, enough funds, or enough time.  But, as the Body of Christ works together, in His Name and for His Glory, beautiful things can

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Guest blogger-Graham Sowa

You can click on part 1 and part 2 to read the begnning of Graham Sowa’s paper.   b.      data from Real Hope for Haiti clinic in Cazale, Haiti  The Real Hope for Haiti clinic is located in Cazale, Haiti, about 40 km north of the capital, Port-au-Prince.    Between May

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We are still here :)

 My excuse for not blogging-see picture above 🙂  We are so excited to have Casey with us for a week.  Love that little brother so much. We have had 5 kids die in the past week.  It has been a hard time for us.  We have one of the twins

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Where there is a need, fill it

My mom,  Lori, and I started taking in kids in 1999.  From our early years of family ministry (late 1980’s), our motto was always, “Where there is a need, fill it.”   We saw kids that were burned, sick, and malnourished and thought maybe, with a little help, they could

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Kettema is doing great!

    Kettema first came to us in January of 2009.  She weighed 17 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 months old. She was one of the first children on the Medika Mamba program and she did very well.  She gained weight quickly. She stayed in the Rescue Center until

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