
Two new admits at the RC today.  One child went home that is healed and healthy.  That makes our total number 80 kids. 2 kids died at the cholera house today.  One this morning and one just a few minutes ago.  The one this evening was one of our staff

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New kids at the RC

THALIE She is 11 months old and weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces.  She is very sick.  Her mom become pregnant with another child and stopped breastfeeding her at about 5 months old.  She has been getting worse since then.  She was in a Peds hospital in Port and become sicker

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Monday update

I have started this post several times now trying to get into words what we at RHFH are feeling tonight.  We are very overwhelmed.  Even through the flood, earthquake and many other large challenges we have faced we are feeling more right now.  We see no real end in sight. 

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  I wrote about Loner a few weeks ago here. A return patient from the RC.  A child that recovered and was well, only to come back several months later very ill and near death.   We have this from time to time. We do the best we can with the resources

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RC news and help with kids with cholera

Anice has been with us for several months now.  He tested positive for cholera this AM.  He is not doing well today. Will you remember him in your prayers today? Alex has had some TLC from some volunteers that have been visiting RHFH.  He is slowly getting better and beginning

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New admits this week at RHFH

Melicia is 60 years old.  She weighs 69 pounds at her highest weight in the last three months.  She has been as low as 58 pounds.  Currently she appears to have kwashiorkor.  She has been following at the RHFH clinic for a few months now.  She is not improving but

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