Worship Wednesday: Their Light Rises in the Darkness

Consider this a guest post. I just returned visiting Real Hope for Haiti. While there, I made many observations, but there is one specific observation I wish to discuss today. The observation is that the Real Hope for Haiti staff could not sustain the work they do in Cazale solely

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Thanks to Acts2HelpOthers!

These health care workers and others (12 total) provide Puride to their villages.  This simple, but effective product is made by the machines pictured below.  They are powered by a battery that is charged by a solar panel.  Salt water is run through the machine to produce the Puride.  A

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The semi container is here..

This week the semi container that was packed up in Indiana arrived here in Cazale.  We were so blessed to have a team here to help us unpack all the supplies and boxes. Lots of fun boxes for kids in the school sponsorship program! We unpacked so many boxes.  

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We are still here :)

 My excuse for not blogging-see picture above 🙂  We are so excited to have Casey with us for a week.  Love that little brother so much. We have had 5 kids die in the past week.  It has been a hard time for us.  We have one of the twins

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Kettema is doing great!

    Kettema first came to us in January of 2009.  She weighed 17 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 months old. She was one of the first children on the Medika Mamba program and she did very well.  She gained weight quickly. She stayed in the Rescue Center until

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Fire Safety

This past week we had a return visitor, Jacob, and his friend Kent.  They are both firefighter from Texas.  They had a busy week here at RHFH.  They did shifts at the cholera house, worked in the clinic, played tag with the kids, cleaned and did many other things to

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