Staff Perspectives

Told by staff member Genise This story is very sad but it has love in it as well. There was a child named Berto. He was not from the area of Cazale. He lived back in the mountain in a small village. One day (for a reason we have not

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Staff Spotlight Yvrose

I want to tell you a little about myself. When I was a child I was severely burned on my chest and neck. I was able to stay at the Rescue Center for several months to get daily dressing changes and wound care. It was a very painful time in

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Let the Little Children come to me

If you have ever visited us at RHFH, you will recall the excitement and joy (yours and theirs) of being engulfed with happy shouts and hugs each time you entered our Rescue Center. If you haven’t had the pleasure of visiting yet – picture a mass of little faces lighting

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Recipe-Ji Kole (shake)

In the Haitian community, “Ji Kole” is a popular thick shake that locals love to indulge in. The shake is made from a mix of breadfruit, carrots, potatoes, bananas, roots, peanuts, spices, sugar, milk, and some even add spaghetti. To make the shake, the roots, carrots, breadfruit, potatoes, and spices

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Villagers View-Macomme (Makom)

Makom is a farming community with an abundance of crops during the planting season. Apart from the staple crops of corn, millet, yams, roots, sweet potatoes and bananas, the farmers also raise animals for food and sale. It is interesting to note that some individuals in the community buy items

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Journey to Recovery – M.B. (broken arm)

M.B, a resident of Picasse (4 hour walk), found herself in a challenging situation after an accident with a mule. She was riding on a narrow dirt path and the animal slipped, sending her down the hillside. Unconscious upon arrival at the clinic, the RHFH nursing staff provided essential care,

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