Throw back Thursday~Tools

In 2009 and 2012 we were able to give out tools to local farmers in the area, through our community development group (GVADK). We were also able to meet with them and talk about crops in our area and any issues that they face while planting and harvesting crops. Besides

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Happy Birthday!

I recently returned to the US for a bit of respite. One of the things I love most about returning to Haiti after a break in the US is to not be able to recognize kids in the malnutrition center because they have gained so much weight. Marvensky is one

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Words from Gretchen~April 1995

It is very early on a Saturday morning. The sun has not come up yet but I am trying to get some letters written before the day starts. The times passes so quickly here. Our “need to do” list keep growing. We have some visitors coming in next week. They

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Different types of cooking fuels used in Cazale

There are 3 main types of cooking fuel that are currently used in the Cazale area. We wanted to share with you how those in our area cook their daily meals. One source of fuel is propane. Propane can be purchased in Haiti, when it is available, and some use

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