When 3 became 5…….

Marie (mama) and Jean (papa) had two boys and then did not have anymore children.  They wanted more kids but said God did not give them any.  Marie become pregnant 6 years later.  They were both very excited and overjoyed that they were going to have another baby.  Jean worked

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Post about Chidley #1  Post about Chidley #2  Chidley died after an extended illness.  He was sick for many weeks with his mother before she brought him to RHFH.  His mother came to visit him often.  She bathed him, feed him and loved him.  Her first son.  She will never

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All of You is more than enough for all of me For every thirst and every need You satisfy me with Your love And all I have in You is more than enough     You are my supply My breath of life And still more awesome than I know You

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Monday tidbits…

$640 was given for the need for backpack by three blog readers!  Thank you so much!  I will be ordering them this coming week!    Claudette is doing well.  Her stomach and legs are healing, she is walking with a walker, smiling more, and…..her stomach is looking so good that

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Worship Wednesday: God is a good stubborn…

I was thumbing through an old book tonight and ran by one of those sections that, you know, makes you shake your head and say, “Wow! That is exactly right!” You know, the kind that makes you close the book and run to your computer and tweet it or fb

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Chants D’Esperance #33 en kreyol…

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/2Ipew1] Ségnè palé mouin pou-m palé                 Lord, speak so that I can speak Tankou gnou éko voua ou-minm             Like an echo of your voice Kité-m chaché, minm jan kon ou            Let

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