Cazale: public water system

There is a public water system in Cazale that was established when a natural spring was capped. Then, it was diverted into pipes that carry the water downhill/downstream. The pipes are supported by existing rocks/boulders/hillside and manmade pillars. Falling rocks, mudslides, and flooding are all risks that constantly plague this

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Visual Learning in Health Education

A large portion of the patients we serve have not been privileged with the ability to read and write. They instead have gained their knowledge by listening, seeing and doing. When our providers see patients, it is evident how much more successful our education is received when we use pictures,

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Clinic Review – Feb 2022

total consultations = 1822adults = 11060-14 yrs = 716 prenatal women = 188at-risk pregnancies = 44birth plans made = 26newborns = 17malnourished pregnant or breastfeeding women on feeding (mamba) program = 13babies died in childbirth = 0mothers died in childbirth = 1 total children consulted 0-5 yrs = 539percentage of

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Clinic Review – Jan 2022

Here are some stats from last month. (side note: Each January, the government requires us to count each patient as a new patient which is why the count of new patients is high.)

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