Kreyol song – #67 Chemen an pa fasil

IN KREYOL:67 Melodies Jouyeuses | 67 MJC / Page 23847 Haiti Chante avec la Radio Lumière | 47 HCRLC / Page 26020 Révéillons-Nous | 20 RNC / Page 337 #67 – CHEMEN AN PA FASIL1. Chemen an pa fasilJouk nou rive nan syèl la,Li genyen pikan e pyèj anpil.Chemen an

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Kreyol Verse: Jan ch6 v35 (John 6:35)

Jan ch6 v35 Jezi di yo: Se mwen menm pen ki bay lavi a. Moun ki vin jwenn mwen p’ap janm grangou; moun ki kwè nan mwen p’ap janm swaf dlo. John 6:35 And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall

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A Note of Gratitude

I want to take this opportunity to say how thankful all of us at Real Hope for Haiti are for your continued support. We know you love God, love the Haitian people, and love to help as God enables you. Your generosity is appreciated and received a reminder of its

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Make Sure Your Fruit is From Above

We all want to make an impact, want our work to matter, want to honor the Lord in all we say and do. But our impact isn’t always clear or rewarding. The work is layered and taxing. Often along the way our short-sightedness and frustration pull us off towards despondency

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