Happy Helande

Helande was born in February 2007 with a large ball on the back of her head.  Her parents didn’t know what to think of her condition and worried about their daughter.  A friend told them to come to us here in Cazale.  Their first visit was March 29, 2007.  We

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Wrapping Up A Great Year

As the end of the year comes to a close, we reflect on the many activities here at Real Hope For Haiti and we know that none would be possible without God’s Grace and the loving support that you give to us.  Just in case you missed it, we wanted

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A new addition, a new opportunity

A few months back we had 2 firefighter that visited RHFH.  Kent was one of them.  He has been working hard this week to get this opportunity set up on the website for RHFH and YOU!  THANK YOU KENT!  We appreciate you!  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to our new donation page! Your generous

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New kids admitted from the end of November

CHARILSON   He was 1 month old and weighted 3 pounds 8 ounces when admitted.  His mom died and the dad was very upset about his son, his first child.  We did not think he has much of a chance surviving here at RHFH so we  asked God’s Littlest Angels if they

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In case you didn’t know~Medika mamba is changing kids lives in a little village called Cazale~one kid at a time. lowest weight 9 pounds 14 ounces                                                           today 20 pounds Jesus + food=LIFE (Gretchen Zachary)

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Medication for Haiti

Dr Jen has been helping Heartline, Dr. Coffee and RHFH with purchasing much needed medications and supplies this past year.  It has been a great help to RHFH to be able to get many meds that cannot be purchased here in Haiti.  We were especially grateful during the months when we were

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