Cholera update

We seem to be on a downward trend here the last 2 days with our total inpatients staying overnight coming down in the mid-40s (from 60-70).  Here are some charts so that you can get a visual of the increase that we’ve been seeing over the last 2 wks. In

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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!!

THANK YOU Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)!!  Since the beginning of the cholera epidemic, they have provided so many supplies.  Starting early Thursday morning, dad started hauling items in.  Three large loads of IV fluids, buckets, bleach, soap, ORS, hand sanitizer, and more. We all 3 squeezed in the front seat and

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IV fluids-more post to come soon!

Check on the amount of IV fluid used at the cholera house in 24 hour Her are two of the families that were featured on the blog this past week. Both healed and returning home today.  To God be all the Glory!

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Wednesday at the cholera house

On Wednesday, there were 28 new admits.  No one really had time to count how many pts there were in the whole house, but it was a lot.  There were 56 people that slept here. This girl has been having a hard time.  She has cholera and a bad respiratory

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cholera charts

from Lori: The numbers are high, but things seem under control.  There are not enough beds and some have slept in chairs or on the ground for a night or two.  Despite the crowded, noisy, and busy environment, there is a peace, joy and hope like none other.  Our staff

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