Contribute for Claudette’s Cream

Anna is coming to Haiti on Friday!!!  YEAH! She is bringing 24 jars of Silvadene, A&D ointment, and other things that we are needing for Claudette and the clinic. This cream will help Claudette and others for months to come.  We change burn dressings daily and this cream heals the

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More fun pictures

Driving range reading, reading, reading Dinner with some of the best gals around, Jess, Mary and Caroline.  Notice I was not sitting by Henley and his hair.  That was Casey Ray that did that. 🙂 Caroline (RHFH disaster relief gal)  She has helped us out so much with earthquake and

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World Malaria Day is coming up on April 25th and I just wanted to make mention of a few things. Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite carried and transmitted by mosquitoes from human to human.  The parasite invades cells – liver, blood.  It reproduces and destroys at an alarming

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answer the question, dude – delayed version

by Lori, the procrastinator Though my answers are a bit later than Licia’s, I hope that you’ll forgive me. We’ve heard less about the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Does this mean it is not as big of a problem as it was? Though our decreasing numbers are following the national

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