Believe it or not

I have been checking the blog three or four times a day hoping that Casey would give me something.  I am sad today there is nothing here, so very sad. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look how one week of medika mamba can change a kid.  Amazing!

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New kids in the tent

DAGENOR He is 4 years old and weighs 32 pounds.  He has kwashiorkor.  He could not sit up when admitted and was in bad shape.  He is very, very anemic and sick. He is currently on the medika mamba program. His legs are very tight and painful from the kwashiorkor.

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Update on Madelene

Madelene came to RHFH in Nov 10.  She was 5 years old and weighed 26 pounds.  Her lowest weight was 22 pounds. She was near death.  Many people did not think she would live. (me included)  But she did. I could not just post a before and after picture of her.  I had to show

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Clercineau was in the RC around the time of the earthquake.  He was a year old and weighed 5 pounds.  We were going through a rough time with finding a building to house the children from the RC.  They were living under a shelter where the clinic patients usually wait to

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Medika Mamba update

It has been awhile since my last Medika Mamba update.  We have currently treated 208 children.  There have been 42 of those children that have died.  That hurts.  But many more are recovering.  As always we want to thank Med & Foods for kids for making this wonderful product right

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The babies

More clothes and diapers for the little ones in the tent. Erline is doing well and gaining weight.  Look how happy she is with her new outfit! The twins This little guy has been with us for a week now.  He is very sick and on oxygen.  We are so

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