
Two weeks ago, we had 93 kids in the rescue center.  That week we began to search for parents of recovered children and send them back home.  Four days out of the week, we had 2 staff members that traveled by tap-tap, motorcycle and foot for hours to locate family

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Update & Prayers for Miriana

 Recent post on Miriana Miriana has lost weight and is down to 20 pounds.  Not normal for a 10 year old little girl.  We are doing everything we can to keep her alive.  She will/can not eat much and has constant diar.  Tomorrow morning her papa and a RHFH employee will

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Update on Jn Edward

Read here for the first post on Jn Edward Jn Edward had a few rough days last week.  He passed lots and lots of worms.  He passed out one day.  He has been having pain in his abdomen since he first arrived and lots of swelling.  He was finally stable enough to

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Help for Moliere

UPDATE: THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!  DAD IS PICKING UP THE TIN FOR HIM SOON! I knew Moliere before he was one of our employees.  He was a hard worker and a solid christian.  He was sick for a long time.  Many people told him to

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New admits and prayers needed for these children

This is B.B. Moise.  He was admitted a few weeks ago.  He has been struggling this past week.  He is not wanting to eat or drink.  He is currently on an IV and has a feeding tube. Will you add him to your prayer list today. He is currently on

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