Claudette needs your help

Claudette has been with us for several months now.  She was severely burned in late December when her clothes caught on fire.  She is healing and living in the tent with the other intensive care kids.   She has been having a hard time this past week.  Most of it is

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Funds for intensive care kids

by: Licia We have a tent in the front yard of the clinic. It is currently set up for our intensive care kids from the RC.  I love the tent.  I love the kids in the tent.  The RC is now located a few houses away from the clinic.  I

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Some friends in need

by:Licia I have some good friends of mine here in Haiti.  They do a great work and help many children just like us.  The take in malnourished children and care for them.  They also take in little premature babies.  We have sent several of our babies to them in the past few

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Matching funds for infant formaula

This was my corner of the supply room a few months back.  This is all infant formula.  We were blessed to receive many donations for several months. This is the same corner this morning.  We are very low on our milk supply. Only one trunk left. About 1/3 of the

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Artist for Hope-supplies needed

Artist for Hope is doing great things for RHFH.  This past week we had several different classes to teach ladies different skills.  There was a knitting class. They are currently learning this new skill. Another group of ladies learned how to make simple earrings.  They had lots of fun learning

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What will this week hold…

Can you do us a favor?  We are preparing for another busy clinic week.  We want to look like this at the end of the week And not this 🙂 I was thinking that some of you could offer a prayer, quote or scripture that might give us strength and

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