Semi container and speaking in the USA

The Betor family and papa Zach will be returning to the US the last week of March.  We will be packing boxes, sorting and getting things ready for a semi trailer to be shipped in the fall.  We will be shipping equipment that has been purchased to begin working on

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New tent….new tent

We had 2 medical student volunteer’s here from Haiti Serve this past week. We also had a friend of Angela’s (the boy’s teacher) that is an EMT visiting.  Out tent was in bad shape.  Haiti Serve is a great group of people that love to come along side others and just help out

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Food box update

We so appreciate those that have donated so far.  We are halfway there so we still need $1650.  Please let me know if you are interested or have questions. (see post below for more details on the food box program)

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Food Box need for April and May

by:Licia I wanted you to see some of the families that receive food boxes every two weeks from RHFH.  These are families from the local village. Many families have several generations living together. There are many elderly that live by themselves and have no family to help them. We so

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